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What does it mean to be a network engineer in 2023—with Brian Davenport

This is a podcast episode titled, What does it mean to be a network engineer in 2023—with Brian Davenport. The summary for this episode is: <p>In a world that is constantly iterating and improving, the nature of what it means to be a network engineer is evolving. Host Phil Gervasi and Brian Davenport, a Solutions Engineer at Kentik, discuss the latest skills and philosophies that help aspiring engineers and current ones to stay in the know. In this episode the two talk shop about degrees versus certifications, adopting new languages, and the softer skills that will help you go far in your engineering and programming adventures.</p><p><br></p><p><strong>Key Takeaways</strong></p><ul><li>[03:10&nbsp;-&nbsp;06:22] Meet Brian, a solutions engineer for Kentik</li><li>[06:29&nbsp;-&nbsp;07:46] The nature of being a network engineer is changing</li><li>[07:49&nbsp;-&nbsp;11:23] The latest skills engineers need to acquire to adapt: Python, C, and databases</li><li>[11:30&nbsp;-&nbsp;13:13] "Internet weather" and understanding network visibility and performance embedded in a network</li><li>[13:19&nbsp;-&nbsp;18:14] Degree vs certifications, a real honest answer</li><li>[18:15&nbsp;-&nbsp;22:53] Adopting new languages and technologies</li><li>[22:54&nbsp;-&nbsp;26:53] A packet walk exercise, understanding connections and how data travels</li><li>[27:06&nbsp;-&nbsp;30:22] The softer skills necessary in a networking and programming environment</li><li>[30:25&nbsp;-&nbsp;31:59] Having new puzzles to solve</li><li>[32:15&nbsp;-&nbsp;34:55] Being humble about what you don't know</li></ul><p><br></p>
03:03 MIN
Meet Brian, a solutions engineer for Kentik
03:12 MIN
The nature of being a network engineer is changing
01:17 MIN
The latest skills engineers need to acquire to adapt: Python, C, and databases
03:34 MIN
"Internet weather" and understanding network visibility and performance embedded in a network
01:42 MIN
Degree vs certifications, a real honest answer
04:55 MIN
Adopting new languages and technologies
04:37 MIN
A packet walk exercise, understanding connections and how data travels
03:58 MIN
The softer skills necessary in a networking and programming environment
03:15 MIN
Having new puzzles to solve
01:33 MIN
Being humble about what you don't know
02:39 MIN