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Is moving everything to public cloud always the best choice?

This is a podcast episode titled, Is moving everything to public cloud always the best choice?. The summary for this episode is: <p>Not too long ago, it seemed everyone's plan was to lift and shift an entire data center's worth of workloads to the public cloud. Today, the industry is starting to rethink that strategy and be much more thoughtful as to what should go in the public cloud, why, and how. In this episode, Ted Turner, a cloud solutions architect at Kentik, joins Telemetry Now to talk about the changing narrative around moving everything to the public cloud. </p><p><br></p><p><strong>Key Takeaways</strong></p><ul><li>[00:45&nbsp;-&nbsp;02:06] Meet Ted Turner</li><li>[02:07&nbsp;-&nbsp;04:10] Public cloud and the elephant in the room, cost savings</li><li>[04:15&nbsp;-&nbsp;06:35] Duped into thinking the cloud was cheaper, versus the utility today</li><li>[06:36&nbsp;-&nbsp;10:08] The complexity of the networking industry and costs associated</li><li>[10:10&nbsp;-&nbsp;12:51] Dropping costs dramatically. Express routes, direct connects, and more.</li><li>[12:52&nbsp;-&nbsp;13:59] Cost versus performance of cloud implementations</li><li>[13:59&nbsp;-&nbsp;15:23] Visibility essential for modern, effective migration strategies</li><li>[15:25&nbsp;-&nbsp;17:43] DNS and impacts on costs</li></ul>
Meet Ted Turner
01:20 MIN
Public cloud and the elephant in the room, cost savings
02:02 MIN
Duped into thinking the cloud was cheaper, versus the utility today
02:19 MIN
The complexity of the networking industry and costs associated
03:31 MIN
Dropping costs dramatically. Express routes, direct connects, and more.
02:41 MIN
Cost versus performance of cloud implementations
01:06 MIN
Visibility essential for modern, effective migration strategies
01:24 MIN
DNS and impacts on costs
02:18 MIN